Printing Works
The Cobblestones Printing Works
The Cobblestones Printing Works is a working letterpress printing shop from the early 1900s. The printer would set up newspapers and other announcements letter-by-letter, ink them up, and use heavy presses to stamp the messages onto paper. The technology was invented in the 1450s by Gutenberg, and didn’t change until the 1950s.
(Category 2 listing with Heritage New Zealand)
Bus tours
With its intriguing tools and historic machinery, The Printing Works is a popular Wairarapa tourist attraction with groups keen to witness – and try for themselves – historic printing equipment in action. Find out more at your visit.
Sessions for children and school groups
Children of all ages are intrigued by the colonial printing equipment at The Printing Works. This is a popular destination for school and EOTC (Education outside the classroom) visits.